you will never know

to whom who crossed my mind

to the person that I'll never tell
that I ever falling for his soul

I'll keep it
crawling in my mind

not like everyone else
he's so different
we are so close
yet so far

our principal of life
that tear us apart

and I admit
that he is strong enough
much more than me
and it's good

if you ever read this,
you'll never know that
I'm writing this shit post just for you,

one year passed away
then our story will be erased by the time
I will keep this feeling

the feeling is abstract and sometimes cannot be described
so I write
all of the things that come to my mind.

till one day
I forget that I ever fall for you

eaeaeaea paan si anjay


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Kajian with Teman Temani : Women In Islam !

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ! Selamat pagi pals! salam dari Jember yang setia dengan langit birunya. Kali ini, ( seperti...

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