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Servant Leadership - Ken Blanchard
“Serve first, Lead
At the first, Ken Blanchard said, the world needs a new leadership role model, who are servant leaders. Leadership is an influencer process because we are all influencing each other all the time. So everybody is a leader in their part of life. He said, effective leaders are just good human beings, they care about people.
Clear goals are one of three important things that must be owned by a leader. Because it will help people around you knowing exactly what they need to accomplish and you can do more unbias things to gain your target. The second thing is, as a leader, we need to know what our team feels after they did their job, praise them, and acknowledge all the things that they have done. Listen more than talk, if there is someone who has done the wrong things, the leader will not give some punishment, either he asks for something that he can do to help get back on the track. And we can say it called one-minute redirect, so as a leader and team, we trying to connect what the things that not good as we thought it would be. And as a leader, you are not there to punish him.
A good manager is who have a tight schedule and have intentional in their
behavior. There is a difference between success and significance. Success means
that you have to count how much money we already make, the recognition
that we get from our effort and we always want more and more of them. It’s
different from significant, we are not only talking about money but more of it,
generosity. The opposite of recognition is service and the opposite of power
and status is a loving relationship. Ken said, with all the things that we have
done in our lives, when we are gone, the only thing that we can take with us
is only our own soul, that’s where we are keeping our beloved and who loved you.
Tipe model kepemimpinan seperti ini menurutku cukup relevan untuk dipraktekkan pada era saat ini. Tentunya dengan pertimbangan rentang koordinasi. Semua orang semakin sadar kelebihan dan kekurangan yang ada pada diri mereka, dan kita saling membutuhkan. Status dan jabatan adalah penamaan dalam arti sempit, pemaknaannya dapat lebih dalam. Tapi kembali lagi, setiap leader punya visi misi masing-masing kemana arah gerak sebuah tim. Then, it's up to you, which leadership models that suit to you?
If I Left the World X Sad Machine (Gryffin X Porter Robinson)
Sliding down below
Awful lot of strangers
Only one I'm lookin' for
It's lonely in this cabin
God, I wanna know
Are you with somebody else
Who'd never let you go?
A brand new galaxy where
There ain't no sense of time
And there ain't no gravity
Would anybody miss me while
I look down on this city thinkin'
"Should have loved you more?"
And maybe you'd be with me, darling
If I hadn't gone and left the world
Dan Gryffin
I opened my window since 5 am
and right now while I was doing my task, I'm listening to this
Gryffin is one of my favorite American singer, DJ, and music producer.
Well just kinda want to share an unimportant information
I love his music since in high school period
I'm pretty sure that "whole heart" is the first song that I knew
(and I realized this song become the last song played by them at this concert! what a nostalgic)
then I love his new song, again, again, and again, I'm so captivated with the lyrics.
Sometimes, I just think why people I mean.. they savor loneliness, sadness, happiness, connected with the lyrics, all we experience the same things in this life huh?
and all of his songs are so goooddd damn!
I hope I could ever go to his concert once haha
replacement for something we cannot replace at all.
"The human needs are so basic: food, nature, and peace and we'll all be happy. But no, we humans are greedy, we want more thus trees are cleared to make way for skyscrapers and industrial buildings, for the better right we thought? So why do we feel so good visiting nature scenic places or even just by listening to nature-inspired music that triggers our minds to think of the wild? The question is does urban life really makes us civilized humans or is it the other way round?"
[Piano Music & Rain Sounds] My Favorite!
Somehow, it just makes me feel comfortable while I'm doing my task or drawing.
here you can listen to My Favorite Piano Instrumental
this melody makes me imagine my own world without any distraction from another human being. Just me and my imagination, creating my own happiness and hoping that someday it will become true. I love to draw, anything especially about the things that I always dreamed about.
I want to write a lot, but I have to go now, there is a lot of tasks anyway.
wherever you are, on any other side of the earth, remember that you have a reason to live, to love and to be happy. You're precious. And you deserve to be loved.
-antara pagi dan kau
hal ini tiada pentingnya)
aku ingin
kau selalu ada disini
tuk temani
hari yang terus berganti
karena aku
tak pernah mau tuk sendiri
raga dan jiwaku nyaman bersamamu
-antara pagi dan kau
Prince Husein - Fireflies
nggak tau lagi,
lagu-lagunya prince husein pada enak2 semua nih :'(
Satu lagu tebarunya judulnya Fireflies
yang sekarang lagi ku replay berkali-kali
sedapet itu sama liriknya.
dan pada bagian "I don't mind"
ga bisa ngomong sih,
kayak mau nangis aja wkwk.
kali ini
aku tidak akan meminta banyak
aku juga tidak akan menuntut
aku tidak akan mempertanyakan
aku akan menunggu
akan kubiarkan
semuanya berjalan
sebagaimana mestinya
aku tidak akan meminta
untuk tinggal
jika ingin maka tinggalah
jika merasa maka katakanlah
tidak perlu ada yang dipaksakan
karena semuanya
aku yakin memiliki linimasa
yang seringkali tidak terduga
jikalau memang berjalan
seperti yang kita inginkan
betapa bahagianya
jika tidak pun
betapa bersyukurnya
dijauhkan dari yang tidak semestinya
menuju 7 hari yang ke 5
semuanya hanya tentang prioritas dan upaya meluangkan waktu
hanya terkadang memang
letihnya pikiran
seringkali membuat kasat rasa
kembali lagi,
seberapa besar tingkat toleransi antar sesama
untuk bisa saling memahami.
bukannya begitu?
Kodaline - Wherever You Are
Lewat sang fajar, burung-burung
Dan matahari (kalau lagi baik hati) ikut menyampaikan
Sedikit pesan sih untuknya
Kalau aku jadi sayang,
Sumpah aku ga sengaja.
Maafin ya.
yang aku percaya
tidak akan ada kecacatan
atau hal yang tertukar
tidak akan ada hal yang tidak tepat
sebaik baiknya perencana ialah Dia.
yang berkuasa.
semuanya memiliki linimasa
dan aku adalah bagian dari entitas semesta
yang mengharap ridho-Nya
sesuatu yang tidak kita dapatkan adalah bentuk perlindungan-Nya
dan sesuatu yang kita dapatkan adalah berkah dan petunjuk-Nya
why we often write poetries ?
jangan katarsis
Lembayung Sore Ini
I know you don't care
But, can you listen?
I came committed, guess I overdid it
Wore my heart out on a chain
Around my neck but now it's missing, hmm
Oh, hmm
I never really know how to please you
You're looking at me like I'm see through
I guess I'm gonna go
I just never know how you feel
Do you even feel anything?
Oh, hmm
But you said it so sadly
So I did the best I could
Not thinking you would have left me gladly
I know you're not sorry
Why should you be
'Cause who am I to be in love
When your love never is for me
Oh, hmm
I never really know how to please you
You're looking at me like I'm see through
I guess I'm gonna go
I just never know how you feel
Do you even feel anything?
aku menulis
tanpa berpikir
hanya mengikuti alunan nada yang ada
tanpa jeda
aku hanya mengetik
hal yang muncul dalam pikiranku
apalah itu
kau tau
ada perasaan
disisi lain
seakan ada sebuah
ungkapan kesedihan
yang dialunkan
menjadi sebuah
derai keikhlasan
aku tidak tahu
kalau manusia itu
aku bilang
terkadang loh ya
tidak bisa membedakan
yang tepat
untuk berkata
untuk bertindak
hanya untuk
sebuah kepuasan
atau sekedar
hanya alasan
tapi bukankah
kita begitu
karena kita memang manusia
bahwa kita adalah manusia
apakah layak
dijadikan alasan
sejuta hal
yang seharusnya tidak terjadi
jangan menyangkal
beribu manusia lain
kenapa kita tidak
dan menyalahkan
bahwa kita
waah. capek
be right there
tidak aku tidak
mau tau mau
aku hilang
aku disini
tidak dengar!
aku tidak bisa
tidak mungkin
tidak bisa
belum tepat
you will never know
to the person that I'll never tell
that I ever falling for his soul
I'll keep it
crawling in my mind
not like everyone else
he's so different
we are so close
yet so far
our principal of life
that tear us apart
and I admit
that he is strong enough
much more than me
and it's good
if you ever read this,
you'll never know that
I'm writing this shit post just for you,
one year passed away
then our story will be erased by the time
I will keep this feeling
the feeling is abstract and sometimes cannot be described
so I write
all of the things that come to my mind.
till one day
I forget that I ever fall for you
eaeaeaea paan si anjay
Kajian with Teman Temani : Women In Islam !
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ! Selamat pagi pals! salam dari Jember yang setia dengan langit birunya. Kali ini, ( seperti...
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